› added 6 years ago


TIL Starboard means “steer"board, which is the side of the steering oar on the right side since most people are right-handed. Naturally in that case, the left-side will be where you dock with the "Port”.

6E6EW TIL that "right-wing" and "left-wing" labels originated from the French Revolution, in which anti-royalists sat on the left of the French National Assembly hall and pro-royalty sat on the right.
M77b8 TIL of Mary Anning, who discovered, with her brother, the first ichthyosaur fossil at age 12. She would go on to discover many more fossils and revolutionize the science of paleontology. However, due to being a woman in the early 1800s, she rarely received full credit for her discoveries.
djOZ TIL there was a massive ancient civilization in Illinois. In 1250 the lost city of Cahokia was larger than London. Today more than 120 massive earthen mounds are still located on the site.
gMwl8 TIL The NES game 'Who Framed Roger Rabbit' included a real phone number that players could call and hear a recording of Jessica Rabbit offering hints. The phone line was discontinued by 1990 and reassigned to a sex hotline some time before 2010. The original recording has since been lost.
xVr60 TIL that a topless, laid-back statue of Abraham Lincoln stands at a federal court in Los Angeles; sculptor James Lee Hansen explained in 1941 that "from a sculpturing standpoint, it’s better to show the body without any clothes, [so] that’s why I left ’em off"