› added 7 years ago


TIL in 2006 two best friends were in an auto accident, in which one friend died. Due to a mixup at the crash scene, each girl was mistakenly identified as the other. After several weeks the mixup was caught and the family that thought they had buried their daughter learned she had actually survived.

aw5ML TIL Michael Vick didn't just run a dog-fighting ring, he personally killed several dogs. Some were shot; some were hanged; some were hosed down, then electrocuted; some were slammed on the ground; some were drowned in a bucket of water. Vick served 21 months, then got a $5M contract with the Jets.
v67B TIL a man rode a jetski over the brink of the Niagra Falls to promote awareness for the homeless. His parachute did not open and he ended up promoting better parachutes. He plunged to his death and his body was never recovered. An Egyptian tourist captured a amazing image.
oPER TIL If poison ivy is burned and the smoke then inhaled, this rash will appear on the lining of the lungs, causing extreme pain and possibly fatal respiratory difficulty.
OkvR TIL horseshoe crabs’ blood does not contain hemoglobin. Instead, it contains hemocyanin, giving it a blue color. It also contains immune cells called amebocytes, which are used in medicine to detect bacterial endotoxins.
OGJJ4 TIL Genghis Khan, sent his small armies against larger ones & used the rest of his forces to terrorize the unprotected civilian population centers.He forced captives to kill their own&hid behind them while advancing,confusing enemies.A master of mobility&depth thus avoiding costly set piece battles.