› added 9 years ago


TIL that Houston airport received many complaints about baggage wait times. In response, they moved baggage claim further away so the walk was longer than the wait. The number of complaints dropped.

jlEp TIL President Nixon, after many years of refusing to release his tax returns for review, said “People have got to know whether or not their president is a crook. Well, I am not a crook.” After the investigation, he was forced to pay $465,000 in back taxes he owed.
v1dKK TIL that people who experience goosebumps or "shivers" from listening to music tend to experience much stronger emotions in response to music and are more emotional in general. Music tends to be a much more important part of daily life for these people.
QNWBp TIL in 1957, dentist Charles Kremer in New York voiced his suspicion that a high-ranking church official, Archbishop Valerian Trifa, was actually the Nazi war criminal Viorel Trifa. 20 years later, investigators found Trifa's fingerprint on a postcard to Heinrich Himmler in a German archive.
GYdeQ TIL that the best-selling Christmas song of all time, White Christmas, was written by a Jew whose own Christmas tradition was visiting the grave of his son who died on Christmas day in 1928 at the age of three weeks old. That son was Irving Berlin, Jr.
JVeV TIL that part of Pablo Escobars surrender deal was that he would serve his sentence in his own prison, guarded by his own guards. The prison also had a soccer field, a bar, a jacuzzi, and a waterfall amongst many other things.