› added 4 years ago


TIL the most dangerous virus is the Marburg virus. It causes convulsions and bleeding of mucous membranes, skin and organs. It has a fatality rate of 90 percent

5YXD9 TIL after a fire destroyed Brazil's National Museum in September, university museum studies students began collecting visitors' photos of the irreplaceable artifacts that were lost so they can re-create the museum's collection virtually.
0wAQL TIL that in 1946 John Boyd Orr, a Scottish scientist, proposed the creation of a World Food Board to repel world hunger and protect global peace. The proposal was rejected as UK and USA refused to support it. As he resigned from his role in the UN, he warned that “food is more than a commodity."
LenV TIL that the Canada-Denmark Territorial Conflict over Hans Island escalates to Danish military going there and leaving a bottle of schnapps and a sign proclaiming “Welcome to the Danish Island” and then Canadian military forces leaving a bottle of Canadian Club and a sign saying, ‘Welcome to Canada"
yQ6AM TIL between 1900-1906 black Oklahomans doubled in population, due in part to the efforts of Edward P McCabe who founded the city of Langston as part of a program to create 25 all black settlements, take over a majority of voting districts and create an all black state.
8e9Q4 TIL Nazi officer Otto Skorzeny was put on war crime trial for allegedly using American military uniforms in battle, but was acquitted after successfully arguing that they ditched the uniforms before combat began. He would later be broken out of prison by men disguised in American military uniform.