› added 3 years ago


TIL that The Irish parliament recently spent €808,000 on a new printer, and when they discovered it didn’t fit they spent another €236,000 moving walls and reinforcing the building. It remains unused as staff refuse to operate it without a pay rise.

VMPB8 TIL that from 1909-38 Good Housekeeping Magazine’s Seal of Approval was the only U.S. grading system for food, drugs, and cosmetics. The magazine fought a federal grading system. Regulators then found the Seal to be misleading and deceptive, forcing reforms.
4XwLo TIL William "Billy" Mitchell was an US army general who was an outspoken proponent of air power and its ability to defeat battleships. Due to his unrelenting criticism of high command's refusal to adapt, he was demoted and court martialed. Today he is regarded as the father of the US Air Force.
9YgGX TIL that the song "Cool, Cool, Considerate Men" was cut from the original film version of 1776 by producer Jack Warner at the request of Richard Nixon, who thought it insulted conservatives, against the director's wishes. Decades later, a cut was made that added the song back in.
6EgEw TIL Carrie Fisher revealed in her memoir, Wishful Drinking, that she once had a romantic relationship with U.S. Senator Chris Dodd. When Dodd was asked for a comment by a reporter he explained that "it was a long, long time ago in a galaxy far, far away."
Zp7jv TIL that during WWII, the Maharaja of Nawanagar rehabilitated approximately 600 Poles, the most of whom were orphaned children and women. The majority of the countries refused entry to the ship carrying them, including the then-British Governor of Bombay.