› added 6 years ago


TIL Most foods are safely consumable 2-3 years past their expiration date as the FDA has no regulation of these numbers. It's estimated that 40% of all the annual food waste in the USA is able to be healthily consumed.

NXg1P TIL there was a secret hospital during WW2 that was ran by a female doctor Franja (the hospital was also named by her) where they also treaded 2 US pilots that were shot down. When the doctor got married, they used parts of the paraschute for her wedding blouse.
xVPGk TIL After South Park aired the episode Chef Aid, the term 'Chewbacca Defense' entered the legal lexicon. The legal strategy aims to deliberately confuse juries than refute cases. The practice was widely used by lawyers before the episode, but South Park gave it a term.
dlDj TIL the then unknown writer Franz Kafka asked his friend Max Brod to burn all his works after his death. Brod didn’t, published them and Kafka became world famous posthumously.
0wQAR TIL In 2004, a black bear was found passed out in a Washington State campground after drinking 36 beer cans; when rangers tried to scare it away, it climbed up a tree to take a nap. It was caught the next day after returning for more beer.
oB44R TIL Australia has the highest cigarette tax rates in the world, with a 12.5% yearly excise being applied since 2010. This will continue until 2020, when the average packet of cigarettes is projected cost about AU$40 (USD$30). This compares to about $6-8 in the US and the EU.