› added 2 years ago


TIL that Placenta is a flat cake from ancient Greece and Rome consisting of many dough layers interspersed with a mixture of cheese and honey. It is flavoured with bay leaves, baked and then covered in honey. The temporary fœtal organ was named after this cake thanks to its flat round shape.

8e7da TIL The middle finger is the penis and the curled fingers on either side are the testicles. By doing it, you are offering someone a phallic gesture. It is saying, 'this is a phallus' that you're offering to people, which is a very primeval display."
rR6Zw TIL after a Taliban fighter successfully shot down an American CH-47D Chinook, he bragged about it over his radio. Signals Intelligence was able to determine who had made the call and after only 2 days, an F-16, a C-130, and two Apache Gunships killed him and 5 others using their combined firepower.
6EBLQ TIL of Marco Flores. He was molested by a neighbor from age 8. As a teen, he found a photo of his nephew, 6, in his predator’s home. Wanting to protect his nephew, he killed the predator. Police found child porn & chat logs on his pc about molesting Flores & planning to molest more.
D1Adg Try these 11 expert tips for a better shower; your skin will thank you
lABr TIL A plaque honoring Martin Luther King, Jr. mistakenly thanked his assassin, James Earl Ray, instead of actor James Earl Jones. When officials received their plaque they were horrified to discover that it bore an inscription thanking James Earl Ray for “keeping the dream alive”