› added 3 years ago


TIL that traditionally, a bachelor party was a farewell dinner - hosted, organized and paid for entirely by the groom. It was seen as his last chance to entertain his friends as a single man, because once married, dinner parties at his home would always then be presided over by his wife

XEb66 TIL that the New York Times has made some truly terrible predictions over the years, from Hitler being “not genuine” about anti-semitism, to approximating in 1903 that it would take between 1 - 10 million years before humans would create airplanes.
y7b8 TIL John Steinbeck’s ‘Of Mice and Men’ was originally called 'Something that Happened’ because nobody can really be blamed for the story’s events.
Wkv9Y TIL in 1821, a British ship shipwrecked on Inaccessible Island, part of the most remote island group in the world. For over 4 months the passengers survived on wild celery and animals and built a boat. The 1st boat failed, but they built another and sailed to South Africa. Only 8 of the 54 died.
VMEYG TIL Arctic comes from the Greek word "Arktos," which means bear, so the Arctic is the land of the bears, and Antarctica is the land without bears.
7rXXM TIL in 2013, a 9 year-old British girl passed through Turkish customs with a toy passport with gold teddy bears on the front that identified her as a unicorn. Her mother accidentally handed over the passport that the girl had made for her toy unicorn, and the customs offіcer accepted and stamped it