› added 4 years ago


TIL Elton John once bought a tram while on a 3-day cocaine binge. He had the vehicle shipped from Australia, and two Chinook helicopters were needed to deliver it to his house.

6EbjQ TIL about Ted Slauson who memorized hundreds of prices for prizes on “The Price is Right," and he helped a constant guess the exact price on the Showcase Showdown
ADxMd TIL The number of students caught cheating at the UK's top universities (including Oxford and Cambridge) increased by a third in three years. There was a surge in cases of academic misconduct.
5VO88 TIL about Multiocular O (ꙮ), a rare glyph variant of the Cyrillic letter O. Only one single use of this glyph is know, in a 15th century manuscript, in the Old Church Slavonic phrase "серафими многꙮ҄читїи"
9WJG TIL: You can go to jail for a year for declawing a pet cat in Israel.
aw84y Not really, but urine has been a faddish health drink for centuries nonetheless. Celts in the Iberian peninsula gargled it to whiten their teeth about 50 years before Christ; amaroli is a Sanskrit word that refers to urine therapy, which in ancient Ayurvedic practice meant imbibing urine in the morning, mid stream; Proverbs 5:15 is thought to be in support of the act ("Drink waters from thy own cistern, flowing water from thy own well"); and J.D. Salinger famously sipped his own, as did the former prime minister of India, Morarji Desai, who even appeared on 60 Minutes to defend his habit.Click here to launch a gallery about urine therapy.