› added 4 years ago


TIL voodoo is not witchcraft or black magic, it's an west African religion, though it has many variation in Whole America.

AJZa TIL while exploring South Dakota in 1822, Hugh Glass was left for dead after being mauled by a grizzly bear. He later awoke, set his broken leg, laid upon a rotting log to let maggots eat his gangrenous flesh, and crawled 200 miles to the nearest settlement, living off berries and roots.
b6rNp TIL that sumo wrestlers have a 65 year life expectancy (5 years shorter than that of the average Japanese male) due to their high risk of diabetes and heart attacks and liver problems resulting from the excessive diet of food and alcohol.
xLp7 TIL during 1946 nuclear weapon tests in the Pacific, animals were put on ships in the blast area. Goat #119, behind plate armour inside a gun turret, died from the radiation in 4 days. Goat #53, out on deck, died in 2. Pig #311 was found swimming around and was brought back to the zoo in Washington.
LkapP TIL Infection with a particular parasite (T. gondii) reduces general anxiety and risk aversion in rodents while increasing exploratory behaviour, causing them to not only no longer avoid areas with cat scents, but even to be attracted to them.
jNAbX TIL Two pigmy whales, a mother and a calf got stranded in a beach unable to navigate back to the ocean past a series of sandbanks. Seeing their plight a dolphin arrived and guided the whales 200 yards along the shoreline and out through a channel into the open sea.