› added 4 years ago


TIL that an autistic socially awkward day trader helped spark the 2010 flash crash of the Dow Jones Industrial Average, despite earning $70M over several years Navinder Singh Sarao continued living in his parents basement and his biggest purchase was a used Volkswagen for under $10,000.

oBro7 TIL that the rate of teens having sex has declined dramatically in the past 3 decades, while the average age of exposure to porn is now about 8 years old
gm17 TIL Bob Dylan was arrested for walking around a neighborhood outside of New Jersey in the pouring rain. Residents called reporting a strange man lurking around. The 24 yr old cop had no idea who he was even after he told her his name.
yQ8Bv TIL of Hanlon's Razor, which is to not attribute to malice that which is more easily explained by stupidity. It helps us avoid paranoia and ideology by not generally assuming that bad results are the fault of a bad actor. The explanation most likely to be right is the one with the least intent.
neMKG TIL that phone numbers with more than seven digits (E.G. +1 (800) ACCIDENT) Are registered as seven digits. Example: Calling 1 800 PROGRESSIVE is the same as calling 1 800 PROGRES.
YGe7 TIL when Gangnam Style surpassed ~2.15 billion views on Youtube, the View Counter went negative, causing Youtube to release a statement saying “We never thought a video would be watched in numbers greater than a 32-bit integer (=2,147,483,647 views), but that was before we met PSY.”