› added 6 years ago


TIL that after the Unabomber demanded his manifesto be published in a major newspaper in order to cease his attacks, Penthouse offered to publish it. His response was that he hoped for a more "respectable" outlet, but if no one else agreed, he would let them publish but he would bomb one more time.

kRVE TIL the lyrics of the first original USSR anthem commissioned by Stalin, the lyrics of the second anthem (after De-Stalinization) and the lyrics of the current anthem of Russian Federation were all written by the same man, Sergey Mikhalkov (who was mostly a writer of children books and fables).
9YNwr TIL New Zealand is the only nation in the modern world to have an officially appointed government Wizard. Ian Brackenbury Channel has an official mandate to protect the government of New Zealand, and receives a modest annual salary for his services.
6kL8 TIL when Argélico Fucks, a retired Brazilian footballer, left FC Porto and joined the rival S.L. Benfica, the headline on Eurosport.com read “Fucks off to Benfica”
x61R0 TIL about GRB 080319B: a gamma ray burst that is the most intrinsically bright object ever observed by humans in the universe and farthest object observable with the naked eye. It would be 21 quadrillion times brighter than the sun.
epnkJ TIL Sophie, a pet Australian cattle dog, fell from a boat in choppy waters off the coast of Queensland and swam 5 nautical miles to St. Bees Island. She lived off the land for 5 months until she was captured by rangers who believed she was a wild dog and subsequently reunited with her family.