› added 7 years ago


TIL that the first Pastafarian wedding took place in New Zealand in April. The guests wore eye patches and it took place on a pirate ship.

VBkXD TIL Jerry Mathers, star of “Leave it to Beaver,” retired from acting and joined the military during high school. He served in the California National Guard’s 146th Airlift Wing which is nicknamed “The Hollywood Guard.” In 1967, Jerry even presented an Emmy award to Gene Kelly while in dress uniform.
oKv8 TIL The word “niggard” is not etymologically related to the word “nigger” and it has no racial connotations, yet people still get shit for using it because it sounds similar to the racial slur.
X0M7E TIL of the Petticoat Affair, where the wives of POTUS Andrew Jackson's Cabinet conspired to socially ostracise the War Secretary's wife due to a controversy around her marriage. This rattled and led to the resignation of the entire cabinet.
wYb1 TIL the Grateful Dead provided funding for the Lithuanian national basketball team for the 1992 Olympics since the squad could not afford to participate. They wore tie-died jerseys during games and donned full Dead regalia during the medal ceremony for winning 3rd place.
0yYL TIL in 1975 a county clerk in Colorado issued a same-sex marriage license, finding no law that forbade it. When a man came to her office to marry his horse in protest, she determined the 8-year-old horse was too young to get married without parental consent and refused the license.