› added 8 years ago


TIL that the United States is on par with Russia and China in terms of internet surveillance,censorship, and restrictions according to Reporters Without Borders

yRLV TIL that the longest work of fiction is a Super Smash Bros. fanfiction called “The Subspace Emissary’s Worlds Conquest” that is four million words long, and spans 220 chapters as of now. That is twice as long as the longest novel “Men of Goodwill” by Jules Romain which is 2,070,000 words long.
W1G9 TIL that a New Mexico man tried to kill a mouse that he had caught in a glue trap by burning it alive on a pile of burning leaves. Instead, the fire melted the glue, freeing the flaming mouse which then ran back inside the man’s home and started a fire which burned the house down
9QYQ TIL that during WWII, a German pilot spotted an American pilot’s crippled plane in the sky. Tailing it, he noticed that gunner was dead, crew injured, and they posed no threat. Instead of destroying the plane, he led it to safety. 40 years later, the two pilots reunited.
P7og TIL when Andrew Jackson was asked what his most important accomplishment had been during his term as president, he replied, “I killed the bank.” He was talking about the Second Bank of the United States.
9w67D TIL up until the 70s, movies were only copyrighted for 56 years. This means all movies released in 1966 (and prior) would be in the public domain by now. Instead, it was expanded to 95 years and one must now wait until 2062.