› added 2 months ago


TIL about Johnnie Dodge, an American-born British Army Officer who participated in the Great Escape, got sent to Sachsenhausen Concentration Camp, escaped again, survived being sent back to the camp, and lived through the fire bombing of Dresden.

jwyX TIL in 1978 Apple Corps (owned by The Beatles) sued Apple Computer for trademark infringement. The case settled for $80,000 along with the condition that Apple Computer agreed not to enter the music business, and Apple Corps agreed not to enter the computer business.
9Y4om TIL that the Holy See (The Catholic Church) became the first legal partner to Hitler's regime. The Vatican and Nazis signed Reichskonkordat, a treaty which removed the German church from any continued role of opposition to Hitler, and required bishops to take an oath of loyalty to the German Reich.
kOoXW TIL Hormel's "Spam" is so popular in Hawaii it has debuted it's "Portugese Sausage", "Black Pepper", and "Teriyaki" flavors at the Waikiki Spam Jam, an annual Honolulu street festival devoted to spam. "Honey Spam", "Spam and Bacon", and "Hot and Spicy Spam" are only available in Hawaii.
QJjXM TIL the 98th Illinois Regiment, part of General William T. Sherman's 23rd Army Corps, made their Corps battle flag from captured Confederate flags from the southern arsenal in Macon, Georgia, during Sherman's famous March to the Sea
8aVAG TIL that HTTP error code 451 (unavailable for legal reasons, e.g. censorship) is a reference to Ray Bradbury's Fahrenheit 451