› added 1 year ago


TIL of Huey Long, governor of Louisiana 1928-1932. Determined to be president by 1936, he wanted to redistribute the wealth of the rich by limiting private fortunes to $50 million, legacies to $5 million, and annual incomes to $1 million. His slogan was "Every Man A King." He was murdered in 1935.

D1PPp TIL of the plant Silphium, which was believed to conveniently double up as an aphrodisiac and contraceptive, but is now regrettably extinct
8LmV TIL that during the Rape of Nanking, the Japanese took several thousand wounded and sick soldiers, as well as old and feeble refugees whom they had captured, tied them up, and pushed them into a river. They then threw straw doused with kerosene into the river and burned them all to death.
WlAo TIL of a restaurant called “The Heart Attack Grill,” with a hospital theme and scantily clad nurse waitresses serving the “Quadruple Bypass Burger” loaded with 9,982 calories. A customer died of a heart attack while eating a there, resulting in customers taking photos of him assuming it was a stunt.
9w7mX TIL that Wally "Famous" Amos first worked as a talent agent and signed Simon & Garfunkel. He would attract clients by sending them chocolate chip cookies along with an invitation to visit him.
EBaw TIL Netflix was forced to add subtitles to all their releases after the National Association of the Deaf (NAD) filed suit against them, citing their lack of closed captioning for streaming video as a violation of the Americans with Disabilities Act .