› added 8 years ago


TIL That small breasts and big hips were considered the ideal shape in ancient Rome

7yAb TIL that at one time Pillsbury bought Burger King with the intention of fixing everything that was wrong with the then declining franchise. To turn things around they hired a McDonald’s executive and when his changes were implemented BK took off like a rocket.
epml6 TIL when the US government began to arrange prisoner exchanges with Japan during WWII it found that less than 10% of the people on Japan's list wanted to be repatriated. It then forged an agreement with 15 Latin American countries to ship their ethnic Japanese to the USA to expand its hostage pool
6Eabw TIL There are now 2 operational space stations above Earth. China expedited their program when NASA denied cooperation with the ISS in 2011. China launched their first manned crew to Tiangong in June 2021, and second in September.
OZva TIL knife manufacturer, Victorinox, claims never to have had to lay off an employee. To avoid this they set aside profits during boom periods to supplement recessionary periods, as well as temporarily contracting employees to other companies as outsourced labour during recessions.
x6NJD TIL that Magnesium helped advance photojournalism. The first photography flash, a powder mix of Mg & potassium, created bright light when ignited. Jacob Riis was an early adopter and used it to document life in the often dark NYC's tenements. His work sparked public outcry, and then housing reforms