› added 7 years ago


TIL a tribe in Australia who speaks the Kuuk Thaayorre language, perceives time as passing east to west (following the sun's path) as opposed to left to right (following the way we read). They also speak of direction in cardinal terms (NESW) instead of ego-centric terms (left, right, front, back).

kdm7 TIL that in 1995 an Australian doctor created the ‘Deliverance Machine’: a euthanasia device which utilised a software called 'Deliverance’ - patients were posed three questions via a notebook computer, if they answered yes to all three, the machine administered a lethal dose of barbiturates.
ADPj4 TIL “White Christmas”, Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer”, “Winter Wonderland”, “The Christmas Song” and “I’ll Be Home for Christmas” plus the melody for “O Holy Night” were all written or co-written by Jews.
XdvR TIL there are only three species that go through menopause: humans, killer whales, and short finned pilot whales
bRW7 TIL that the SR-71 “Blackbird” was so fast that a standard evasive maneuver in case it detected a SAM missile was simply to outfly the said missile. Also, out of the 12 losses, none of them were from enemy fire, but from accidents.
EgPbV TIL where the "Did a dingo eat your baby?" joke from The Rugrats Movie came from. Based on a real case, the Evil Angels film has a scene where the murder-accused mother says, "The dingo took my baby!" It gets misquoted in a bunch of shows as "a dingo ate my baby."