› added 5 years ago


TIL when the Vatican Archives published records on the Templar Order, it showed that the Inquisition had discovered the Templars were not heretics, but in fact a knighthood for homosexuals. The Pope decided to close the knighthood "for the good of the church" when this discovery was made.

kOXAm TIL Korea was a unified country under the Choson dynasty from 1392 until 1910. In Chinese, the two Koreas are given distinct country names, with Chaoxian for the North, Hanguo for the South
0wZ8y TIL a study discovered when Christian students were reminded of the "religion and science don't mix" stereotype, their intuitive reasoning dropped while Christian students who weren't reminded of that stereotype performed as well as non-Christians.
wowr6 TIL Tetrachromats (mostly women) can distinguish upto 100 million colours since they posses a 4th type of cone cell , apart from having the regular RBG cone cells
kKQE TIL a Star Trek: The Next Generation episode, “Blood and Fire”, was written but never produced due to its positive depiction of an openly gay couple, and focus on “Regulan bloodworms” intended to be a metaphor for the public’s fear of AIDS
X0maP TIL that a social worker accused Eminem's mom, Debbie Mathers-Briggs, of having Munchausen syndrome by proxy at a 1996 juvenile court proceeding for his younger half-brother, Nathan, which led to him being removed from Debbie's custody after social services found her guilty of child abuse.