› added 5 years ago


TIL Actor Cary Grant experimented with LSD in the late 1950's an estimated 100 times and stated that it was the solution after many years of "searching for his peace of mind", and that for first time in his life he was "truly, deeply and honestly happy".

e0EE5 TIL, Edward Norton is a stalwart supporter in raising awareness and fights against illegal poaching of elephants and rhinoceroses, raising $1.2 million after running the NYC marathon to support the Maasai Wilderness Conservation Trust
awPXM TIL that the Alfred, formally known as the Black Prince, became the first vessel to fly the Grand Union Flag; the precursor to the Stars and Stripes that we know today. The flag was hoisted on the Delaware River by John Paul Jones and this event was documented in letters to Congress
v1pNx TIL of San Diego's 2012 July 4th celebration. A computer error caused all the fireworks to go off in a span of ~15 seconds instead of the 18 minutes it was meant to take
NXw6M TIL that a "Silent Man" in the UK repeatedly gets arrested for standing on one road to block traffic. He never speaks a word, not even to paramedics, police, the court, or his own lawyer. Ongoing for more than a decade. Everytime he is released, he repeats the crime and remains completely silent.
kJebW TIL about oldest known written complaint from a customer named Nanni who received the wrong grade of copper from merchant named Ea-nāṣir. It's estimated at being over 3,800 years old (~ 1750 BC).