› added 6 years ago


TIL the September 11 terror attacks on the WTC released a dust cloud of toxic asbestos fibers across Manhattan, with an estimated 410,000 people exposed. It is believed lung cancer and mesothelioma cases in the city will reach a peak in the year 2041 (four decades after 9/11)

J1d6m TIL According to a recent census of 2022 Wild Tiger Population in India has increased to 3,167. This is a significant improvement from 1973 when a census revealed that tigers in India were quickly becoming extinct due to habitat loss, hunting, poaching, and killings by locals.
XEvYr TIL of Ching Shih. Originally a prostitute who married a pirate, she ended up commanding a fleet of 20,000-40,000 pirates, battling the Portuguese empire, British empire, and Qing Dynasty at various stages. She married her adopted son, had two children with him and died a free woman at age 69.
VMV4D TIL The Czech Republic now goes by Czechia
Br8PW TIL only 3 people have technically died in space. In 1971, the Soyuz 11 crew was killed at an altitude of 104 miles when the cabin depressurized. The re-entry seemed to go off without a hitch. But recovery crews quickly discovered the crew inside dead, with blood streaming from their noses and ears.
78VXX TIL: After organizers told Roberta Gibbs women weren't capable of marathons, she dressed in men's clothes, hid near the starting line & joined the middle of the pack at the '66 Boston Marathon. When runners figured out her disguise, they began cheering. She was the 1st woman to finish the race.