› added 3 years ago


TIL light can propel spacecraft. Solar sails use radiation pressure exerted by sunlight to propel themselves in space, absorbing the momentum from incoming photons. Such technology has been theorized since the 1980s, and came true in 2010 with IKAROS, a small satellite.

QJyDa If you’ve ever travelled on a commercial airplane, there’s a likely chance you’ve noticed those little white swirls in the center of those engines on the wings. It may seem straightforward: to keep people on the ground advised when the turbofan is spinning, right? But that doesn’t explain everything.
BrxAd TIL Linkin Park were due to be called Lincoln Park ( a park in Los Angeles, CA near where they rehearsed), but the domain www.lincolnpark.com was too expensive. They shorted it to 'Linkin' so the band would appear right next to Limp Bizkit at record stores.
jNaGp TIL that the sounds we hear in nature documentaries,including popular ones like Planet Earth II,are almost always created by Foley artists in studios with commonplace objects.Eg.Magnetic film tape are used to create the sound of a spider walking and a slinky to make the web shooting sounds.
7nOL TIL Elefantenrennen (elephant racing) is the German word for when one truck tries to overtake another truck with a minimal speed difference, blocking all lanes in the process.
Bgxmd TIL legend states that Reinhard Heydrich, high ranking Nazi, is said to have worn the Bohemian crown while overseeing occupied Czechoslovakia, an act which if done by a usurper is said to mean certain death within a year. Both Heydrich and Heydrich's firstborn son, Klaus, died within the year.