› added 4 years ago


TIL a guide dog named Roselle led a group of people including her blind owner down 78 flights of stairs before the North Tower collapsed on 9/11. She only stopped to give kisses to a woman who was having a panic attack.

b6rk7 TIL When a terminally ill young boy in Germany expressed his dying wish to see as many motorcycles as possible, 20,000 bikers from Germany and neighboring countries came together to fulfill his dream, creating an unforgettable convoy.
epyOJ TIL: Zilog has announced that they will soon stop taking orders their 8-bit Z80 CPU in 2024, after almost 50 years in production. It was a common CPU in many homecomputers, arcade machines and some game consoles in the '70s and '80s. It's surprisingly enough (as of now) still manufactured.
wodLP TIL - in 1945 a +-million landlords were executed for the crime of being landlords, and the land redistributed to the people. There was no economic/real estate/housing crash. Turns out, landlords are unnecessary.
EwBp TIL that Colombians are obsessed with plastic surgery. The Latin American country did 375,000 cosmetic procedures in 2015 for both natives and foreigners, #2 per capita to South Korea. Thousands of Colombian teenage girls save money for years to have their first surgery at the legal age of 18.
XvZX TIL when the Vanessa Williams Miss America scandal was breaking, Hugh Hefner was offered the nude photos. He turned them down saying “There was never any question of our interest. But they clearly weren’t authorized and because they would cause considerable embarrassment, we decided not to publish.”