› added 6 years ago


TIL giant tortoises on whaling voyages were stored helplessly on their backs for up to six months before being killed and eaten. While alive, they drank gallons of water at a time and kept it in a special bladder, making a properly-butchered tortoise a source of cool, perfectly drinkable water.

Br8Lb TIL, Hans and Margret Rey, creators of Curious George, escaped France on homemade bicycles less than 48 hours before the Nazis invaded Paris.
eXDb TIL “Sally sells seashells by the sea shore” is based on the real life of Mary Anning, who dug up fossils to sell to tourists at the beach in the 1800s to help her poor family. She discovered several intact dinosaur skeletons, including findings that contributed to the eventual theory of evolution.
M417 TIL a student sent John Lennon a letter stating his teacher was conducting a class analyzing the Beatles’ songs. This act inspired the song “I Am The Walrus,” as the whole purpose of the song, according to John, was to confuse, befuddle, and mess with the Beatles experts.
l7j4K TIL With a population of approximately 9.8 mil, L.A. County has a larger pop. than 40 of the 50 U.S. states and the populations of Wyoming, Vermont, D.C., Alaska, North and South Dakota, Delaware, Rhode Island, Montana, and Maine combined.
boXN TIL Texas has the luxury of the Permanent University Fund, which uses oil revenues from state owned lands to underwrite higher education capital costs. As of December 2008, the fund holds $8.8 billion in investments.