› added 6 years ago


TIL that Fred Rogers, after filming a segment on David Letterman, stopped by Eddie Murphy's dressing room to give him his regards, and tell him how much he liked his portrayal.

JYY8k TIL that British Airways' only fatal accident was a mid-air collision caused by air traffic control error. The controller saw the problem and alerted one plane to stop climbing but this attempt to avert catastrophe turned what would have been a near miss into the collision he was trying to prevent
p861b TIL in Korean, the word 동무 (同務/tongmu) was originally used to mean "friend" across the whole of Korea. After the North began to use it as a translation of the comrade, the word has fallen out of use in the south. instead, the south started to use 친구 (親舊/chingu) to mean friend
LQpVQ TIL that the architect Erno Goldfinger threatened to sue Ian Fleming over his name being used for the novel. Fleming responded that he might then, accidentally let the name slip to Goldprick here and there in the book.
a805Z TIL, a member of the jury that convicted drug kingpin el chapo, gave an interview in which he accused himself and other jurors of misconduct. He also claimed that many jurors were sad and wept after sentencing el chapo to life in solitary. He said, however, that there was no doubt about his guilt.
0wKLA TIL about avant-garde composer John Cage whose most famous work is 4'33". For four minutes and 33 seconds, the musicians do nothing, allowing the audience to hear the environmentals of the performance hall.