› added 2 years ago


TIL Daddy Long Legs Spiders used to be called Shepherd Spiders; named after French shepherds who would use stilts to travel over grasslands. Not only were locals able to get around more easily, the stilts were allegedly an extremely speedy method of transport; as fast as a horse in full trot.

MexDK TIL in Saddam Hussein's Iraq, the punishment for theft was amputation of the right hand and a branding on the forehead. Doctors who performed cosmetic procedures to hide the brand would have their right hand amputated and have their forehead branded.
0weky TIL - The name Devo comes from their concept of 'de-evolution'—the idea that instead of continuing to evolve, mankind has actually begun to regress, as evidenced by the dysfunction and herd mentality of American society.
le51 TIL that during WWII, Bicycle playing cards were made so that, when submerged in water, they could be peeled apart to reveal parts of a map inside. When all put together, they were a larger map. These decks were given to POWs, so that if they escaped, they would have a map.
QAaX TIL of Ryan White, a virgin AIDS victim that was shunned in his hometown out of fright and ignorance. He was banned from school, bullied, and threatened just for his disease. He went on to become a role model for the AIDS disease and spread awareness. He died at just 18 years old from AIDS.
y6pJ TIL that victorious Romans would have a slave to whisper in their ear “you are just a man” as they proceeded though the cheering crowds, to stop their egos transcending.