› added 3 years ago


TIL that many critics and audience members felt that the horrific wounds inflicted by the M2 .50-cal. heavy machine gun in Rambo (2008) were so gory that it was unrealistic. However, Afghanistan veterans who had used the M2 noted that the wounds were quite accurate, and if anything were toned down

lonwK TIL Dolly Parton gave each family who lost its primary residence in the 2016 TN fires $1,000 a month for five months. When she arrived to help dole out the final payments, she brought the nearly 900 families an unexpected bonus – another $5,000 each for a total of $10,000.
kOYK7 TIL Big Bird is a Golden Condor. During an episode in the 11th season of Mr. Rogers, Big Bird was asked if he was related to a cassowary, and Big Bird noted to Mr. Rogers that he was a Golden Condor.
Lk4wp TIL that Mike Judge moved to Texas and a storm blew off a part of his fence. After his new neighbors fixed it for him, no questions asked, it became the basis for King Of The Hill - "about neighbors who... ultimately, do the right thing and do right by people and are basically good people."
VGxG TIL That the Caesar Salad is named after Caesar Cardini, an Italian American hotel owner.
rRP0x TIL of The Eye of Argon, a fantasy novella written by a 16 year old in 1970, which became popular and beloved as the "worst fantasy novel ever." It found fame at conventions, through live readings and party games. In a 1984 interview, the author said that he was hurt by this, and never wrote again.