› added 6 years ago


TIL the test to become a taxi driver in London requires you to memorize 25000 Streets & all possible POI's, takes 3-4 years and is considered one of the hardest exams.

a86LN TIL Jay-Z managed to obtain the permission to have a sample from Annie on "Hard Knock Life (Ghetto Anthem)" by writing the copyright holder a letter about his childhood trip to see the Broadway musical. However, the letter was a fib and Jay-Z had never seen the show.
R76L8 TIL Both men and women's faces age at about the same rate until about age 50. At that point, women's faces begin to age at three times the rate of men's due to the drop in estrogen with the menopause also cuts the production of collagen – the protein in skin that gives it its elasticity.
mAWp TIL Poon Lim survived 133 days adrift in the Pacific ocean on a 8’ square wooden raft. When rescued he was told no one had ever survived longer on a raft at sea, he simply replied “I hope no one will ever have to break that record.”
dVAE TIL Bhopal gas disaster was the worst industrial disaster ever killing close to 4000 people. The incident happened when poison gas escaped from a Union Carbide factory due to negligence. The American CEO of the company was arrested, let out on $2100 bail and never came back to India to face charges.
X0eYX TIL in 2006 a Romanian man, Florin Fodor, was charged for trying to illegally immigrate to Canada multiple times. He was first deported from Canada in 2000, and then in 2006 he attempted to enter again by sailing from Greenland to Nunavut in a 20 foot fiberglass boat.