› added 3 years ago


TIL that unlike chimpanzees, bonobo societies are relatively peaceful, with squabbles rarely escalating to serious violence. Female bonobos spend their time together in the center of the group, grooming, eating and socializing. Often, two females will embrace and rub their genitals together

lAnG TIL actor Peter Capaldi, as Doctor Who, made a video for an autistic 9-yr-old boy grieving the death of his grandmother. The boy’s father said that it had a positive effect: the boy smiled for the first time since learning of his grandmother’s death, and gained the courage to go to her funeral.
Obre TIL that in 1944, the British conceived a plan to assassinate Hitler while he was staying at his vacation residence. However, they ultimately decided against it as Hitler was such a poor strategist at that stage that they believed whoever replaced him would do a better job of fighting the Allies.
6yLZ TIL that there’s a Justice League comic in which a superhero assassinates a Saddam Hussein analogue in order to end the atrocities of his regime. His actions actually end up destabilizing the country, making the quality of life for citizens much worse than it was before. The comic came out in 1999.
awXb0 TIL about Helga de la Brache. A woman who grew up in lower class circumstances but succesfully posed as a Swedish princess for years. Convincing even the Swedish royal family who gave her a pension and "furniture befitting a princess."
pQWe TIL that when monkeys are taught to recognize themselves in the mirror, the first thing they do after recognizing themselves in the mirror is to inspect their genitals.