› added 4 years ago


TIL that every sweater Mr Rogers wore on his show had been hand knitted by his mother, Nancy Rogers. She made him a new one every Christmas. She died in 1981. When they started wearing thin in the 1990s, replacements were found, but the source has been forgotten.

E1pJP TIL that in the 1960s, over 320,000 baby teeth were sent by parents to be tested for radioactive isotope strontium-90. They showed that children born after large scale nuclear testing had begun showed levels 50 times higher than children born before large scale testing.
d8M69 TIL in WWII, a dog named Gander was a sergeant of the Canadian Royal Rifles. He fought on the frontlines against the Japanese on several occasions. Gander was posthumously decorated when he picked up a live Japanese grenade and charged enemy lines with it.
GYBOg TIL that when cartoonist Tom Batiuk lost the ownership of his comic strip John Darling to his syndicate in 1990, he had the main character murdered with no warning. With the protagonist dead, the syndicate had the rights to an unusable property and the strip ended the next day.
w7V1 TIL Alligators killed 3 people in the U.S in 2015, including a 22yr old burglar, and a 28yr old who’s final recorded words were “Fuck the alligators”
VMr54 TIL that 2000 hit song Around the World (La La La La La) of the German ATC band is actually originally a Russian song of Ruki Vverh! (Hands up!) pop group. The song wasn't even popular in Russia, BMG music co. acquired rights for it and Ruki Vverh! got proper royalties from the deal.