› added 4 years ago


TIL that the perfect wave shaped blob of toothpaste from commercials is called a “nurdle” and a lawsuit was fought by two leading manufacturers over the right to depict its image.

W717Y TIL that Ween’s 1997 album “The Mollusk” was a great inspiration to Spongebob creator Stephen Hillenburg due to its underwater theme. In 1997, Hillenburg told Ween the baseline ideas of Spongebob, and asked for a song. The band wrote “Loop de Loop” for Hillenburg, later used in a SpongeBob episode.
1a89X Til stereotypical cavemen hardly existed as very few Stone Age people lived in caves. Most were nomadic hunter gatherers living in temporary shelters such as tents or huts. Caves just have the best preserved artifacts
W5Ko TIL In Ancient Rome, flaming war pigs were used to counter war elephants. The siege of Megara in 266 BC was broken when Megarians doused pigs in pitch, set them alight and drove them towards the enemy’s massed war elephants. The elephants bolted in terror, killing a large number of soldiers.
rmxy TIL that in 1979, a number of people called in sick with a case of “being homosexual,” in protest of homosexuality being classified as an illness. Within a few months, Sweden joined the few other countries in the world at the time to de-classify homosexuality as an illness.
a8rQb TIL India once released 25,000 flesh-eating turtles into the Ganges to eat the remains of corpses buried in the river after incomplete burning. The locals ate the turtles.