› added 4 years ago


TIL that Oprah Winfrey has such a severe phobia of chewing gum that it's banned from her television studio and this includes audience members. It all stems from her grandmother leaving gum all around the house to save for a later chew. It didn't stop Reese Witherspoon from chewing it in front of her

9w8MB TIL that Quillaia extract (the milled inner bark or small stems and branches of the soapbark evergreen tree) is added to many soft drinks (such as root-beer and cream-soda) to provide a 'foaming' effect. It is also used as an additive in some foods to aid in keeping them moist.
QoPk TIL some political prisoners in China were forced to play World of Warcraft and other games to gather virtual currency
PeG TIL The fake flames on the Pirates of the Caribbean ride at Disney are so convincing that the Anaheim Fire Department requested that they be automatically turned off in case of fire so firefighters can fight the real blaze and not waste time battling artificial ones.
e0D8b TIL that during testing of The Legend of Zelda in 1986, the testers complained that the game was too confusing and that they kept getting lost. As a result of this, Shigeru Miyamoto decided to make the game even harder by starting off the player without a weapon.
xVNW0 TIL Shirley Temple's first role at age three was in “Baby Burlesks,” a series of sexually suggestive short films. When she misbehaved on set, she was confined to a black box where she had to sit on a block of ice.