› added 1 year ago


TIL that in the 18th century, there was a man named Charles Domery who reportedly ate an entire cat, then proceeded to eat the candles and the stuffing from his bed. He also allegedly ate live snakes and lizards, and claimed that his insatiable hunger was due to a "worm" in his stomach.

9Y66m TIL former Supreme Court Justice William O. Douglas claimed that people acting on the orders of President Richard Nixon were trying to plant marijuana in his yard so that they could stage a televised raid and force him to retire from the court, with his replacement appointed by Nixon.
W7gO8 TIL that Luxembourg is nearly a third more populous during the day than at night, as over 200k people living in Belgium, France and Germany commute daily to Luxembourg for work. In other words, Luxembourg draws roughly 40% of its current workforce from the border areas in Germany, France and Belgium
wLppJ TIL FARC got tricked into giving up their most high profile hostage and 14 others. The Colombian army made up a NGO which would transfer captives by helicopter. Once aboard the chopper, the soldiers revealed the ruse and arrested the militants, freeing all hostages. Not a single shot was fired.
jQON TIL legendary English comedian Benny Hill earned a 7 figure salary yet never owned a home, didn’t buy a car, rarely purchased new clothes and always bought cheap foods in supermarkets.
e0L8g TIL every current European monarch is descended from John William Friso, Dutch Prince of Orange from 1702 to 1711