› added 1 year ago


TIL house finches weren’t found in the eastern US until 1940 when they were illegally captured in California and brought to New York for pet shops to sell - until the owners of these shops got worried about getting busted for selling them - released them into the wild!

woPD6 TIL: Medieval cuisine had class constraints as it was believed that nobles had a more refined digestive system and therefore required finer food than peasants who could make do with bread and beans. Few cookbooks were made as most can't read, but the ones that did didn't specify temperature or time.
l7Y0a TIL that the mom and dad from Family Ties, Meredith Baxter Birney and Micheal Gross, were born on the same day. June 21, 1947
9w56r TIL that because of what had happened to the mix on Metallica's "...And Justice For All,"Anthrax were not allowed to be present during Steve Thompson and Mike Barbiero's mixing sessions of the band's album "Persistence Of Time"
l7Yja TIL Sports floors are always made of maple wood due to its high shock resistance - it allows the floor to respond to foot traffic by bouncing back, thus helping to reduce damage and fatigue in the athletes' joints, the shock resistance also contributes to the bounce of the ball
neJAG TIL that in Germany, and some other countries, there's no punishment for escaping prison. Their law consider it's a basic human instinct to want to escape, so no extra time is added to the initial sentence if no other laws are broken in order to escape.