› added 9 years ago


TIL that during his burglary career, Malcom X played Russian roulette with himself, pulling the trigger three times to prove to his partners he wasn’t afraid to die. He later revealed in his autobiography that he palmed the round.

mxknE TIL that since modern civilizations and languages likely won't exist 10,000 years from now, signs warning about nuclear waste (which will still be dangerous then) have to be designed to be understood by anyone, without the use of language. These tools include pictograms and hostile architecture.
0w4aM TIL that the perfect wave shaped blob of toothpaste from commercials is called a “nurdle” and a lawsuit was fought by two leading manufacturers over the right to depict its image.
WkmyX TIL Little Richard kicked Jimi Hendrix out of his band in the 50’s. Apparently, Hendrix refused to wear the band uniform and would steal audience’s attention with his eccentric style and guitar skills.
XEO8D TIL that NASA’s Vehicle Assembly Building at Kennedy Space Center in Florida is the tallest one-story building in the world and is large enough (volume four times of Empire State Building) that rain clouds have been known to form inside.
awEA TIL that people seeing the movie version of “Clue” in theaters didn’t know which of the three endings they were going to see when they went into the movie. Eventually, theaters began advertising which ending the movie would have so people could see the endings they hadn’t already seen.