› added 9 years ago


TIL: The 23¢ gender pay gap is the difference between average earnings of all men and women working full-time. It doesn’t account for differences in occupations, positions, education, job tenure or hours worked. When such relevant factors are considered, the gap narrows to the point of vanishing.

VM0xQ TIL when Richard Feynman was in the State Curriculum Commission of California, he found out that some members of the committee which was responsible for choosing which books are used in public education had given a rating to not only unfinished, but completely blank textbooks [Page 173]
jaMQ TIL Christopher Lee not only was a huge Tolkien fan as far back as when the books were written but he actively shaped his career so that he could play a wizard when the films are eventually made.
dVRB TIL a US soldier that stepped on a land mine in Vietnam was told he wouldn’t walk again. While recovering and awaiting discharge, he would sneak out of his hospital bed at night and perform self-rehab. He walked out of the hospital and later became one of the most famous Green Berets in history.
e0dpk TIL that during the 16th and 17th century the majority of people believed Birds of Paradise lived in the skies and fed only on air and dew.
RWLQ TIL that Croatian fascists created a type of knife literally called a “Serb cutter” in order to faster kill prisoners in concentration camps during WWII with concentration guards holding contests to see who could kill the most in one day (the record was 1,360)