› added 10 years ago


TIL Within the first 3 months of 2013, UPS and FedEx owed New York City $2.8 million in parking tickets.

ZoG TIL The woman who sued McDonalds for their coffee being hot had a legitimate case for medical expenses and was awarded the rest of her money because McDonalds ignored 700 other coffee related injuries
9YAE7 TIL that the Soviet gold medalist Elena Mukhina was forced back to practice with an unhealed broken leg, which didn't give her enough power to do a flip and broke her neck on the mat making her quadriplegic for life in 1980. After the accident she said "Thank God I don't have to go to the Olympics".
xV0n5 TIL: Mushrooms are the only vegetarian food that can make vitamin D. They contain a “pro-vitamin,” or precursor, called ergosterol that is converted into vitamin D when exposed to the sun's ultraviolet (UV) radiation—similar to how your skin synthesizes the vitamin in response to sun exposure.
grR9 TIL that after becoming associated with the catchphrase “billions and billions,” Carl Sagan had a unit of measurement named after him. One sagan is equal to at least four billion, since the smallest number that may be described as “billions and billions” must be two billion plus two billion.
5xPn TIL A respected medical examiner in Shelby County, Tennessee was found handcuffed to a window guard, wrapped in barbed wire, with a motion-sensitive bomb strapped to his chest and lye burns to his face. Detectives investigating the case concluded that he did it to himself.