› added 10 years ago


TIL there is a “Redundancy Theory of Truth”, the belief that saying something is true is meaningless; e.g. “It is true that 2+2=4” means the same thing as “2+2=4”. Thus “truth” is a construct of language devoid of meaning. This solves the famous Liar Paradox (“This sentence is false.”)

KOmW4 TIL before the WWII Battle of Okinawa, the Japanese military forced Okinawan boys as young as 14 to fight against the US invasion. They weren't expected to win so the boys were given suicide missions. The only weapon most were given were 2 grenades - one for the US solders the other for themselves.
e0x5L TIL, on April 9th 2007, a theater filled with parents and their small children who were there to see 'The Last Mimzy' were accidentally shown 'The Hills Have Eyes 2', in which the beginning of the movie features a screaming, bruised, beaten, and bloodied woman delivering a deformed newborn
781VL TIL about the town of Catatumbo where lightning strikes ~1.2 million times per year
loVm7 TIL that Christopher Meloni will reprise his role for a new SVU-spinoff series, where Stabler comes out of retirement to lead an NYPD Organized Crime task force. I I would enjoy that as L&O:SVU is one of my favorite shows. This new one is L&O: Organized Crime.
X07Y6 TIL that six doctors devised an experiment where they each swallow a Lego head as a means to determine the typical transit time of a commonly swallowed object. They then presented their findings with a 'Found and Retrieved Time' aka 'FART' score. The FART score averaged 1.71 days