69oLm TIL chiropractic is considered a pseudoscientific alternative medicine, and chiropractors are not considered primary care providers. Its original founder, D.D. Palmer, claimed he received it from "the other world", from a doctor who'd died 50 years prior.
woAp6 TIL The average American owns seven pairs of jeans, one for each day of the week and buys four new pairs every year.
R5w99 TIL in 2021, an advisory was issued in Rawalpindi, Pakistan for motorcyclists to install a flexible safety antenna that would connect to the mudguard or handlebar of the motorcycle, arch over the rider, and connect to the rear, in order to prevent death or injury from glass-laced kite strings.
W7eOd TIL Medieval people and ancient Romans washed their clothes in pee.
9wKL7 TIL that in 1965, the American Nazi Party ran a candidate for governor in Virginia, George Lincoln Rockwell, and he won 1.02% of the vote.
nW8pB TIL Chinese company Tencent shut down Korean video game PUBG and replaced it with “Game for Peace” in which defeated players wave goodbye and disappear instead of lying down and dying
4koao TIL almost 75 percent of the refrigeration and air conditioning sector can be converted to natural refrigerants, such as ammonia
x6Ap7 TIL that actor Martin Sheen’s real name is Ramón Antonio Gerardo Estévez.
5VoKP TIL that the Chiefs' kicker Harrison Butker booted a 57-yard field goal - the longest field goal in Super Bowl history
M74LK TIL The Diderot Effect which states that obtaining a new possession often creates a spiral of consumption which leads you to acquire more new things. As a result, we end up buying things that our previous selves never needed to feel happy or fulfilled.
j6XpE TIL Doing CPR on person who is pulseless because of blood loss (gunshot wound, stabbing, etc.) worsens their chance of survival.
0dmEv TIL numerous unethical experiments have been conducted on human subjects in the US without their consent, often targeting children, the sick, and marginalized groups.