pYNYZ TIL about Stu Ungar, who preferred Blackjack, but beat the champ so bad he started playing poker and still is a joint best 3 time winner of the World Series.
GAKAN TIL Following his success with Ghostbusters, Ivan Reitman almost helmed a 1980s Batman movie, and planned to cast Bill Murray as Batman, David Niven as Alfred, and David Bowie as the Joker.
16o6r TIL that the first American flag was designed by a high school student in 1958. He got a B- on the project, but when his design was adopted, his grade was bumped to an A!
oRlRK TIL that the first American flag was NOT designed by Bob Heft, a high school student in 1958.
dD9Dr TIL Wendy's can't come to Europe because there's 1 two-table restaurant in The Netherlands that's already called Wendy's. Brilliant story
a8x89 TIL Manute Bol may have invented the phrase "My Bad"
KYKYQ TIL There is an urban legend in BC, Canada, that driving examiners are expected to fail 50 per cent of the people they test. Nearly 50 percent of driving test candidates fail the first time because many arrive ill-prepared or with the intention of using their first test as a learning tool.
ZplpD TIL that Minecraft was released 15 years ago on May 17th, 2009.
78M8P TIL although the US Coast Guard is the second smallest US military service branch in terms of membership, the service by itself is the world's 12th largest naval force.
kJVJB TIL there is a massive abandoned underground command network throughout the former Yugoslavia. One of these was the NORAD equivalent.
EgKgP TIL a 2013 study found that the act of chopping down trees results in greater increases in testosterone than does a directly competitive activity such a soccer. Chopping down trees saw an increase of 46.8%, whereas, soccer only saw an increase of 30.1%.
BgKgd TIL in 2012 LL Cool J broke the nose, jaw, and ribs of a man charged with breaking into his home. His family was sleeping when their home security alarm went off at 1am, "sending LL Cool J into action". After catching the man, he held him until the authorities arrived.