8eK6K TIL that the creator of Lululemon deliberately chose a name with multiple 'L's to sound Western to Japanese buyers, who often have difficulty pronouncing the letter, and that the name otherwise "means nothing".
P1W5n TIL for the most part, English witches were hanged while French ones were burned. This posed a riddle for the Channel island of Guernsey when three witches turned up there in 1617. Ultimately, they were hanged according to British law, then burned according to French 🤯
epWOk TIL of Carlo Acutis (1991-2006), an Italian teenager and web designer. After two alleged miracles were attributed to him, Pope Francis announced he will be canonized, making him the first saint of the millennial generation.
VBVmQ TIL: That Eminem was not even present when "Lose Yourself" won Best Original Song at the Oscars as he believed the song would not win. Instead, he was asleep at home after watching cartoons with his daughter. He did however go on to perform the song at the 92nd Academy Awards, some 17 years later.
X0Pv6 TIL Harriet Tubman lead a military operation to free slaves during the civil war
OG9A6 TIL mercury is released into the air by human activity, and can travel thousands of miles and settle into the ocean where microorganisms convert it into methylmercury, a highly toxic form that builds up in fish & shellfish.
69oR7 TIL that the artist Caravaggio's first name was Michelangelo
R5wvl TIL killer whales are the second most widely-distributed mammal on Earth (after humans)
woAJE TIL there are two Bermuda triangles. The commonly known Atlantic and another in the Pacific.
nW8Br TIL Cats have over 30 different muscles in each ear, allowing them to swivel their ears in all directions! This helps them pinpoint sounds and improve their hearing.
9wKO6 TIL A BBC investigation revealed child labor in the perfume industry, with minors picking jasmine in Egypt for suppliers of Lancôme and Aerin Beauty, despite both brands’ “zero tolerance” claims.
W7ev9 TIL In 1939, Texas Tech and Centenary played football in torrential rain and mud. They had a combined NCAA record 77 punts, with a final score of 0-0.