NXnV8 TIL that, because of the gyroscopic precession of the Earth, the ancient Greeks and Romans didn’t have a North Star
l7eBG TIL the first American-born ace of World War II was Arthur T. Chin. An aviator in the Chinese Air Force during the second Sino-Japanese War, he became the first American-born ace in that war. Chin was born in Portland, Oregon.
8eKvL TIL China Uses AI Camera to Capture Jaywalkers and Publicly Shame Them
P1WMJ Today I learned there were 12 confirmed dogs on the Titanic and 3 of them survived.
X0POP TIL the song "The Sun Has Got His Hat On" has a second verse that includes the n-word
VBVkm TIL The Statue of Liberty was Originally Designed as an Egyptian Woman
epWBE TIL that boxer Muhammad Ali was also an accomplished musician. He released the Grammy-nominated and American Dental Association approved album "The Adventures of Ali and His Gang vs. Mr. Tooth Decay" in 1976.
OG9V4 TIL that there is a negative form of the halo effect, called The Horn Effect , which allows one disliked trait or aspect of a person or product to negatively influence globally. For those seen in a negative light, anything they do that is negative is exemplified, while the positive are not seen.
69oe8 TIL about 70,000 years ago Scholz's Star passed through the Oort Cloud affecting the orbits of the planets in our solar system.
R5wM4 TIL: Magnus Scheving (actor of Sportacus in Lazy Town) became national champion in aerobics based on a bet in his twenties. Scheving chose snooker for Fjölnir, and Fjölnir chose aerobics. Eventually, Scheving became a national champion in aerobics, and Fjölnir became a national champion in snooker"
woAYP TIL that Night of the Living Dead (1968) is responsible for the modern conception of zombies as unhinged flesh-eaters. Prior to the movie, "zombies" were typically portrayed as living people enslaved by priests. Interestingly however, the word "zombie" is never mentioned once in the entire film.
W7eEN TIL about Major Money, who was born in Montreal weeks before Canada, moved with his family to England as an infant, fought in the Boer War and WW I, and returned to Canada to operate a hotel on Vancouver Island, where he hosted, among others, Bob Hope, Errol Flynn and Shirley Temple.