rNybM TIL Matt Groening named the main members of the Simpsons family (apart from Bart) after his own family (ex. Homer Groening is Matt's father)
NXxJ6 TIL In “The Silence of the Lambs” (1991), the skull on the movie poster is actually made of naked women – Salvador Dali’s “In Voluptas Mors.”
l70ba TIL the East River (east side of Manhattan, Brookly Bridge crosses it) isn't a fork of the Hudson, but instead a tidal strait.
8e1Ob TIL Isaac Newton created the modern color wheel
P1nDZ TIL NASA engineers use Hawaiian lava fields to simulate conditions on Mars
epybg TIL Abulia, a neurological condition, results in a significant lack of willpower or initiative, often leading to severe difficulties in decision-making and diminished motivation to engage in daily activities.
VBObG TIL: The Mouse Utopia Experiment was a series of tests designed what would happen to mice if all conditions for survival were met. As populations grew, social pressure became destructive to the colony. Even though all physical needs were met, the colonies collapsed in every experiment.
X0VbX TIL that when Under Siege was released, it became the highest-grossing movie to have no advance screenings for critics.
691wY TIL the vindaloo curry is based on a Portuguese dish, carne de vinha d'alhos.
woy4J TIL that between the 1920s and the 1990s, around half a million US prisoners underwent state-sanctioned plastic surgery in attempts to rehabilitate repeat offenders based on the idea that appearance impacted the likelihood of reoffending.
OG4vL TIL the chocolate marshemellow treat (Viva Puffs/Mallomars in North America), were known across much of the world as “N*gger Kisses” or some variation of that until the late 2010s in some countries
R5Wyw TIL the Colorado National Guard once tried using flamethrowers and explosives against a swarm of locusts. It didn't work.