0d1YR TIL that Chang and Eng Bunker, not only were the original "Siamese twins," but after traveling the world and making a pretty penny from exhibiting themselves, settled in North Carolina, became U.S. citizens, bought/owned slaves, and married two sisters whom they produced 21 children with.
gr5Qy TIL the United States is the only country that has a top-level domain for its military (.mil), its higher education system (.edu) and its government agencies (.gov) - a result of the Internet originating as a U.S. government-sponsored research network.
LQA79 TIL Aftershocks from the Great East Japan Earthquake of 2011 are still occurring, with the most recent being a magnitude 7.0 in 2021.
b6yQa TIL that U.S. Army Corps of Engineers owns an enormous collection of fossils as a kind of byproduct of the Corps’s actual, more logistical purpose: flood control.
QN9o6 TIL that much like in the movie Dune, you can make earthworms surface by vibrating earth at a specific frequency. This technique is called 'worm grunting' and it consists in driving a stake in the ground and vibrating it using a metal rod. This technique is used to catch worms for fishing bait.
ANGVn TIL about the crash of Turkish Airlines Flight 1951 - a faulty altimeter caused the plane's computers to think it was about to land when it was still too high, and the plane stalled and crashed. However, the aircraft was so slow when it hit the ground that only 9 out of 135 occupants died.
yV7xp TIL The MEE6 bot from Discord is a Rick and Morty reference. I never watched Rick and Morty, so I had no idea.
m1jMo TIL that a wealth of fossilized footprints newly discovered since 2009 suggest humans arrived in North America at least 10,000 years earlier than previously thought
DQv8r TIL a very valuable painting called "Christ Mocked" was found to have been just hanging in an elderly woman's kitchen for years. She had been thinking of throwing it out, but her family called in an appraiser.
vP5Qx TIL Saint Barbara is the patron saint of Field Artillery. She is the Canonized saint of Cannons.
J1p5V TIL that the Yahgan people in South America are the world's southernmost human population. They were decimated by diseases introduced by Europeans and the last full-blooded Yahgan died in 2022 due to COVID-19. Today, the total population of the Yahgan is less than 1,600.
GAGr4 TIL about The Acerra Brothers' Traveling Professional Baseball Club, a baseball team consisting entirely of brothers