KYKg9 TIL you can apply to have your body donated to the Body Farm after your death. On the Body Farm, researchers study different stages and manners of death on the human body.
a8x9J TIL in 2006, a 4 year old boy in Power Ranger cosplay successfully stopped a robbery and saved his family
ZplAY TIL the average penis size has increased by 24% over the past 29 years
78MRZ TIL Bulgaria has a research base in Antarctica.
kJVae TIL that cigarette filters only reduce the risk of catching smoking related diseases because of the presence of the filter reduces the amount of tobacco in the cigarette.
EgKdd TIL wearing red clothing makes men more into you
Y78LP TIL musician Jay Ferguson not only wrote the theme song for "The Office" (US) but also wrote the popular 1970s yacht rock song "Thunder Island".
rNBaW TIL that octopuses have three hearts. Two of these hearts pump blood to the gills, while the third pumps it to the rest of the body. When an octopus swims, the heart that delivers blood to the body actually stops beating, which explains why they prefer crawling to swimming—it’s less tiring for them!
NXnPM TIL that on March 27, 1790, Harvey Kennedy invented the shoelace with aglets.
BgKQx TIL Birds Use Spikes Intended To Keep Them Away From Buildings As Protection For Their Own Nest Against Predators
8eKw8 TIL Pumpkin pie smell stimulates arousal in men; scent is sexy aphrodisiac, says study
l7eJB TIL Cleopatra wasn’t just alluring; she was crafty too. So the myth goes, she made a grand entrance to impress Julius Caesar by having herself rolled up in a carpet and delivered to his quarters. When the carpet was unrolled, out she came, nude and irresistible.