78MJ7 TIL that during World War II, British intelligence spread a rumor that eating carrots improved night vision to cover up the fact that their pilots were using radar technology to target enemy planes in the dark.
kJVWm TIL Garth Brooks once tried to donate part of his liver to Rodeo man and country singer Chris LeDoux upon LeDoux's diagnosis with primary sclerosing cholangitis
EgKJw TIL the @ sign is called "a snail" in Italian, "a puppy" in Armenian, "a little mouse" in Chinese, "a monkey" in Polish, "a duckling" in Greek, "a worm" in Hungarian, "a little dog" in Russian, "a cinnamon roll" in Swedish, "a strudel" in Hebrew and "rollmops" in Czech
Y78yA TIL That Nintendo was first and only company Koji Kondo ever applied to.
BgKJk TIL that from 1929 to 1955, the chairman of the NAACP was a Caucasian man named Walter White.
rNBeo TIL with today's medicine, Abraham Lincoln likely would've survived his assassination (his frontal lobes were undamaged and he died 10 hours after being shot).
NXnAJ TIL despite its closure 5.31.24, one college’s baseball team is in the College World Series. For the first time. With no school to go home to. Film crew is following.
l7eRV TIL that ‘S.O.S’ isnt an acronym for “Save Our Souls/Ship”, its a backronym designed so that the morse code would be memorable
8eKJ4 TIL there's a radiation-eating fungus growing in the abandoned vats of Chernobyl
P1WJV TIL that Peter Jackson directed over 20,000 cricket fans at a game to create the sound of the Uruk-hai army in the Battle of Helm's Deep in The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers
epWd5 TIL Dalmatians became associated with firehouses in the 18th and 19th centuries because of their ability to protect firefighting horses, fend off street dogs, clear the way with barking, and guard the equipment.
VBVd4 TIL That the UK has far more Giant Redwood (Sequoias) Trees than California. Est 500K in the UK compared to 80K in California