b64X4 TIL second hand smoke above 1.2 hour weekly doubles the chance of kidney stones
QNRG9 TIL that in 2019, a 65-year-old man in Colorado robbed a bank, threw the money into the street while shouting "Merry Christmas!", and then calmly waited for the police at a nearby Starbucks.
ANKPo TIL there's an airport in Amsterdam that uses landscaping to reduce noise
yVAll TIL: The oldest wig in the world was found in an Egyptian burial site dating back to 3400 BC. The Egyptians used it to reduce incidences of head lice and protect the scalp from the sun.
m1PnE TIL that Communist Romania hated the Dracula story but was becoming dependant on Western tourism. A local functionary in the county of Bistriţa managed to trick the authorities into letting him open two Dracula themed hotels, one based on the inn that Jonathan Harker stays at in the book.
DQKNP TIL the Beatles' last live concert was four years before their breakup, and they played for about 30 minutes.
vPbeB TIL The actress that played Carol Anne in all 3 Poltergeist movies died at the age of 12 of a heart attack.
J1KQ8 TIL mick jagger once bought a mansion while tripping on acid
pYNRe TIL Cruachan Hydroelectric Power Station pumps water uphill at night to release and generate electricity during the day
16olV TIL that Fecal transplant actually exist.
GAKZQ TIL the wood panel film prop that Kate Winslet's Rose floats on (and Leonardo Dicaprio's Jack floats beside) to save her life towards the end of the movie Titanic was sold at auction for $718,750 (£567,561).
a8xOA TIL the owner and operator of the silk road was arrested at the San Francisco public Library when two fbi agents pretended to be quarreling lovers to distract him while his laptop was open. This was to prevent any deletion of data.