kJVl7 TIL skin cancer is 20 times more common in white people than black people
EgKkW TIL If you hold in a fart too long it gets reabsorbed in the blood and directed to the lungs where it would be exhaled in your breath .
Y78vG TIL that a dangerous form of electric shock therapy still gets used on disabled people, specifically by the Judge Rotenberg Center, their methods of treatment are considered torture by many advocates, and the FDA is still trying to get their specific shock devices(GED) banned
BgKBL TIL that all three of Jim Carrey's 1994 films—Ace Ventura: Pet Detective, The Mask and Dumb and Dumber—received animated TV series' based on the films the following year.
rNB7e Til - after sculptor Paul McCarthy set up a Christmas tree in Paris that looked like a butt plug, he was punched in the head by an anger Parisian and the tree was constantly assaulted by vandals cutting the support ropes
l7eNN TIL sun fish (Mola) are the largest bony fish and despite weighing up to 2700kg (6000 lb) they can breach the surface up to 3m (10 ft) in the air
NXnvE TIL: Umwelt, or the self-centered world of different organisms
8eK6K TIL that the creator of Lululemon deliberately chose a name with multiple 'L's to sound Western to Japanese buyers, who often have difficulty pronouncing the letter, and that the name otherwise "means nothing".
P1W5n TIL for the most part, English witches were hanged while French ones were burned. This posed a riddle for the Channel island of Guernsey when three witches turned up there in 1617. Ultimately, they were hanged according to British law, then burned according to French 🤯
epWOk TIL of Carlo Acutis (1991-2006), an Italian teenager and web designer. After two alleged miracles were attributed to him, Pope Francis announced he will be canonized, making him the first saint of the millennial generation.
VBVmQ TIL: That Eminem was not even present when "Lose Yourself" won Best Original Song at the Oscars as he believed the song would not win. Instead, he was asleep at home after watching cartoons with his daughter. He did however go on to perform the song at the 92nd Academy Awards, some 17 years later.
69oR7 TIL that the artist Caravaggio's first name was Michelangelo