pYNRe TIL Cruachan Hydroelectric Power Station pumps water uphill at night to release and generate electricity during the day
GAKZQ TIL the wood panel film prop that Kate Winslet's Rose floats on (and Leonardo Dicaprio's Jack floats beside) to save her life towards the end of the movie Titanic was sold at auction for $718,750 (£567,561).
16olV TIL that Fecal transplant actually exist.
oRlWr TIL Tinder has made a match in Antarctica.
dD9eZ TIL Ford did not have to be rescued during the 2008 financial crisis like the two other major American auto companies, Chrysler and GM
KYKZE TIL About 10% of adults and 15% of kids grind their teeth, which typically occurs at night. Occlusal guards won’t stop teeth grinding but can protect teeth from damage
a8xOA TIL the owner and operator of the silk road was arrested at the San Francisco public Library when two fbi agents pretended to be quarreling lovers to distract him while his laptop was open. This was to prevent any deletion of data.
kJVx4 TIL that the youngest person to jump off the golden gate bridge to commit suicide in 1945 was a 5 year old little girl named marilyn demont. She was influenced by her father who jumped in seconds after. without protest she climbed over the railing and without looking back, jumped.
78Mnp TIL air vents are typically placed below windows
Zpl4a Today I learned that the FTC is investigating oil company collusion that caused much of the inflation seen in the US and much of the rest of the world since 2021.
EgKrx TIL a 2023 study compared the health outcomes of over 4,000 patients with hypochondriasis to the health outcomes of about 40,000 control patients matched for age & other demographics; a key finding was that people with hypochondriasis were over four times more likely to die from suicide.
rNB64 TIL a team of 3 students won $700K for using AI to decipher the first passages of a 2,000-year-old scroll; 1 of 800 scrolls that were carbonized by the eruption of Mt Vesuvius in 79 CE. Since their discovery in the 1700s, trying to read them proved futile because unrolling them by hand caused damage