oRlY8 TIL that Devin Gaines earned five bachelor's degrees with honors simultaneously at the University of Connecticut, averaging 24 credits per semester and three hours of sleep per night. Tragically, he drowned in 2007 due to a lack of swimming skills.
dD96Q TIL Nuclear Winter is almost impossible because houses are no longer built from paper and whole cities don't burn up.
KYKvR TIL Princess Zelda from The Legend of Zelda was named after Zelda Fitzgerald, the wife of F. Scott Fitzgerald
a8xWo TIL actress Mary Martin, known for her roles in film and on stage in Peter Pan and The Sound of Music, was the mother of actor Larry Hagman, famous as Dallas's J.R. Ewing and in I Dream of Jeannie
ZplvR TIL Brad Kane (the actor that provided the singing voice for the original Aladdin) went on to become a writer for such shows as Black Sails and Tokyo Vice.
78Mwb TIL that the adorable Leaf Sheep sea slug can photosynthesize! 🌱🐌 This unique creature steals chloroplasts from the algae it consumes, allowing it to harness sunlight for energy just like a plant.
kJVl7 TIL skin cancer is 20 times more common in white people than black people
Y78vG TIL that a dangerous form of electric shock therapy still gets used on disabled people, specifically by the Judge Rotenberg Center, their methods of treatment are considered torture by many advocates, and the FDA is still trying to get their specific shock devices(GED) banned
rNB7e Til - after sculptor Paul McCarthy set up a Christmas tree in Paris that looked like a butt plug, he was punched in the head by an anger Parisian and the tree was constantly assaulted by vandals cutting the support ropes
BgKBL TIL that all three of Jim Carrey's 1994 films—Ace Ventura: Pet Detective, The Mask and Dumb and Dumber—received animated TV series' based on the films the following year.
EgKkW TIL If you hold in a fart too long it gets reabsorbed in the blood and directed to the lungs where it would be exhaled in your breath .
l7eNN TIL sun fish (Mola) are the largest bony fish and despite weighing up to 2700kg (6000 lb) they can breach the surface up to 3m (10 ft) in the air